Friday, January 6, 2023

Reminiscing with Milica on Epiphany

I just spoke to my childhood friend Milica for 45 minutes. It is January 6, 2023, Epiphany for Christians, Boboteaza” in our Romanian Orthodox faith. We were reminiscing about our life in the communist apartment block, the togetherness in misery, pain, and other little things in life that stood out in our memories.

She remembered my dad on this day, gathering the children to take them to church. My grandmother Elizabeta was deeply religious, she fasted every Lent, and his sister Leana was a cantor in her village church. Emilia went to ask her dad if she could go, and her dad replied, “only if you are going to wear your pioneer uniform and red scarf.”

Emilia’s dad was a communist activist at the factory where he “worked.” His job was to indoctrinate the workers who were not yet convinced to fully support the communists, and to rat out those like my dad who were totally against the communist party and its dictator.

Her dad had a soothing voice, sounded convincing in his erroneous arguments and judgment, and had a towering presence that we kids feared. In exchange for his “work,” the party gave him a salary and extra rations of food for his family of four. His apartment was the same size as ours, but they always had food and sometimes things we had not seen or eaten in years.

Milica’s mom was a skilled seamstress and made extra money which allowed them to buy things and provisions on the underground illegal market. We girls, the five of us, would sometimes have treats at Emilia’s apartment if her mom felt generous that day to share with us whatever she was cooking. It was not often, but it was something to look forward to.

My dad disliked Milica’s father because he was a snitch and a communist stooge. I did not realize that Milica resented her dad’s activities when she found out later in life. When he died, she said, she threw out all his books and propaganda materials, i.e. The Communist Manifesto and other Karl Marx works, Lenin, Frederick Engels, and Stalin pamphlets and books. I wish she had preserved them for posterity, to teach those that come about the evils of communism. She said, half-jokingly, I could have sold them for good money today.

When I told Milica about my former students and about 50% of Americans who think communism is preferable to capitalism, she was shocked. She was saddened that America, to whom most of the world look up to for trends, advice, and inspiration, is going to be communist. She said, “Then we are all going to be communists again and they are going to confiscate our private property.  Are they crazy? Do they not realize how badly we lived for decades and how we barely survived?”


1 comment:

  1. Dear Ileana Johnson, greetings, via this forum. I trust that you are well. Before my errands this morning, I read your Epiphany article, of yesterday. (Folks call it “Old Christmas,” in the hills of northeast Tennessee.) One errand was a haircut. While in the barber chair, I mentioned your article to my barber. I hope that he visits your website. We, of course, talked about the continued slide of the USSA (Ununited Socialist States of America) into “Socialist Utopian Oblivion” (as I call it). I wish that the indoctrinated would hear and heed your words and those of Milica, as you shared them.

    Common sense observation of the USSA indicates that this once great nation is split – about half preferring socialism and about half preferring capitalism. After my errands, I found the Pew Research Center, 9/19/2022 Report, “Modest Declines in Positive Views of ‘Socialism’ and ‘Capitalism’ in U.S.” ( That recent survey states: 36% of adults view socialism somewhat or very positively, while 57% view capitalism favorably. (Some “closet socialists” may not have expressed themselves truthfully, so I stand with your about 50% prefer socialism.) The trend is toward socialism. The younger, poorer, higher-educated, non-white, and Democrat-voters favor communism over capitalism. The younger demographic will age and indoctrinate their children into socialism.

    The USSA is in decline – similar to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. God marks the times of nations. (See the apostle Paul's address to the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers, in Acts 17:22-34, especially verse 26.) The solution is not political. The solution, in national repentance, is the return, in majority, to the biblical worldview. The USSA will decline further, before national repentance can take place – sadly. Thank you for your article.
