Thursday, November 4, 2021

The Latest Curfew and Lockdowns

The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.  – Karl Marx

As of October 22, 2021, the Romanian National Committee for Emergency Situations introduced a new 30 day “restriction” on its citizens via Decision 91: Ministerul Afacerilor Interne (

-          Night curfews between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. Movement during this time is only allowed to fully vaccinated individuals or those who have recovered from Covid-19 in the past 180 days and present proof of vaccination or recovery

-          People who work during those times

-          Medical assistance that cannot be postponed

-          Scheduled travel by train or plane

-          Providing care to children or elderly (What about people in between those age groups?)

-          All venues, commercial or cultural must be closed 9 p.m. to 5 p.m.

-          Restaurants can only open at 50 percent capacity between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m.

-          Pharmacies, gas stations, and delivery services are permitted to keep their regular schedule

-          Discos, clubs, and casinos must be closed

-          Any private events (weddings, baptisms, parties are prohibited; it does not matter if individuals arranged weddings or baptisms months in advance)

-          Churches can open but must observe Covid-19 safety rules

-          Masks are mandatory in public areas both indoors and outdoors

If people leave their homes during curfew hours, they must show to the patrolling police proof of movement purpose such as work I.D., a certificate from employer, valid train or plane ticket, or a movement declaration.

As of October 22, 2021, citizens must carry a European Union digital Covid-19 certificate or a Romanian-issued “Digital Green Certificate/Green Pass” to access many public venues and to participate in activities such as indoor or outdoor dining at restaurants, shopping malls access, museum entry, exhibitions entry, cultural sites visitations, non-essential stores, swimming pools, gyms, and other venues. The Green Pass is not required in food stores, pharmacies with direct access, or religious services.

This Green Pass is obtained if a person is vaccinated in Romania and by Romanian citizens and their foreign spouses who were vaccinated abroad or in Romania. U.S. citizens cannot obtain a Green Pass in Romania. Romanian authorities will accept a CDC vaccination card as proof upon entry in Romania to avoid quarantine, but venues within the country may not. The Romanian government has not issued an explicit policy on accepting vaccine documentation issued abroad.

Why the renewed quarantine? The daily coronavirus deaths and infections allegedly “overwhelmed the hospital system” and due to limited intensive care beds, patients must be put on a waiting list. An interesting question should be asked if the patients placed on the waiting list are treated in the meantime with life-saving drugs like Ivermectin, HCQ, Zithromax, vitamin D, and zinc?

India announced this week that the state of Uttar-Pradesh, with a population of 240 million, is now almost entirely Covid-free. Nobody mentions that a drug, Iverotaj 12 mg (Ivermectin tablets USP) has been used in conjunction with vaccines and other measures. Uttar Pradesh, India Announces State Is COVID-19 Free Proving the Effectiveness of IVERMECTIN – Wim's Blog (





  1. Communist is Like Communist does! The whole Plandemic, a communist trick from Peking is focused on destroying American economy and promoting a ONE-WORLD-ORDER with Mao-Xi and CCP in charge. Those countries and leaders who subjugate their people to the Peking's rules are nothing but devils reincarnated....No animal-hosting virus (in Covid-19 case, rats and bats) has ever been disseminated through the human race so fast and furious and no vaccine will ever offer lifetime immunity to humans! This is not measles or polio, this is Rabies-like bug that only infects animals (except, when altered in bio labs)! Wake up people! Recoup your personal freedoms from the inside and outside enemies! God save America!

  2. Hi Ileana,

    Almost assuredly they are not giving Ivermectin, etc. I heard that the ‘viral load’ disappears after four days with Ivermectin, meaning the virus is gone and the person is not contagious.

    Covid simply gives governments an excuse to control people’s lives. If that British ‘expert’ had not scared the world with predictions of massive deaths and the countries had simply given the alternatives from the start, Covid would be nearly gone by now and the vaxxed people would not contain possibly ticking time bombs in their veins!
    Keep writing,
    Dr. David Sponseller

  3. Good closing question, Ileana. As could be asked for us in the US.

    Arlene S.

  4. Almost like the good ol’ days of communism.
    Mike Hill
