Sunday, August 29, 2021

I Am Numb and Angry

I am numb that I left my country to find freedom here and now, in my old age, it is taken away by Marxists again. I am so angry that words cannot describe my disappointment with Americans!

You are taking your good life and great country for granted and are now busy destroying it. What is wrong with you? Can you not learn from history, from the rest of us who lost everything to escape oppression?

Are you that bored with abundance that you must conjure up an imagined oppression in order to destroy your own country?

Shame on all of you who participate in this painful and disgusting charade, pretending daily that nothing is wrong, Joe is normal, and turning your backs to all the lawlessness and criminality.


  1. It's so tragic. I hope that enough people can rise up and turn things around. Did you hear the remarks of the mother of one of soldiers that was killed? She is blaming his death on Joe Biden, on the Democrats who put this being with dementia in office, as well as those that committed the fraud. She was very emotional and I'm sure that many can relate to it.

  2. It is awful what is going on. Breaks my heart, being a mother of Marine veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan to hear of the deaths of Marines and a soldier and Navy Corpsman at the airport in Kabul.

  3. Ileana,

    I wish I had an answer to why so many people refuse to realize just how close we are to 'lights out', literally and figuratively. Its amazing how many people keep thinking that politicians are going to save us. Most politicians don't give a rat's rump about us, and those who do are few, and rarely in a leadership position. Most elections are stolen, during the primary elections, by both, major, political parties. Besides, MPOs and COGs control city, county, and state governments, and those involved with these entities are appointed, not elected.

    I guess people will need to, literally, lose the farm, their retirement savings, their homes, cars, etc., etc., etc., before they realize what has been happening, for decades. By the time they wake up, it will be way too late. As a good friend said, last night, we're at the point when things could happen, so quickly, that there won't be an opportunity to prevent the loss of everything that has made us the envy of the world, even with our checkered history and hideous warts!

    Regarding the scamdemic, about half of the population, across the globe, has gone Adrian Monk, although I have a difficult time, believing Monk would wear a mask, or take the needle! I don't believe the Afghanistan fiasco is an exhibition of incompetence. It advances the globalists' agenda. If there is one thing that defines the globalists, it is that they plan for the future, and for contingencies, so coincidences don't exist, and there are few, unintended consequences! A.J.

  4. From Carmel:

    The following is what I wished to post and you may post if you wish.

    Firstly this destruction of our Republic is a planed takeover to destroy our Christian nation. People in leadership positions turned their backs on law and order. Our leaders ignored their oath of office and instead of being civil servants who upheld their oath of office they set about to make themselves rich. They allow drugs to corrupt our youth... they take kickbacks and they knew way back when they started "bussing" people out of their own neighborhoods they busted up that sense of community...The greedy in charge following Hitler put "fluoride"
    in our drinking water then made up a program of the need to "rehydrate" by drinking more and more water.
    They told Mommies that they could no longer stay home and raise their children by taking away ADC aid to dependent children. They corrupted people to wanting fancy stuff so the Mommies had to work and then most of the materialistic Mommies put their children in "daycare." In daycare the little ones learned "indifference." All they wanted was to be nurtured by Mommies who rushed off while they cried all day in daycare where bullies ruled...all they wanted was the tender loving care from their Mommy.
    There's more and more. The evil people corrupted our men with nasty magazines and also through the computer. Punishment for crimes is no longer swift and just! I have no clue as to how to find our way back to being civil humans who loved life and their creator! I believe start with bringing back the death sentences for all those who linger in prison cells after having committed heinous crimes... hang-em and and gas-em and put them in front of a firing squad."

    You aren't the only one who's angry Ileana

  5. From Wasilla, Alaska:
    I understand for sure how the blind is leading the blind and the leadership that can see has succumb
    to the socialist wasteland.

    I am sad and wonder how this all fits our Father's plan.


  6. Dear Ileana, your feelings (“I am numb that I left my country to find freedom here and now, in my old age, it is taken away by Marxists again”) are fully understood here in Tasmania too, but, truth to tell, this year I’m beginning to think that the sadly omnipresent situation has already nothing to do with Marxism. But then it has a lot to do with a fight of the world’s bureaucracy for being absolutely unaccountable. The fight is always successful (of course, it is always fatal both for the bureaucrats and for their countries) - not because of any Marxism or of some other ideology. It is successful because it is allowed to succeed again and again by billions of never-independently-thinking voters all the world over. In August 2020 some 70 vintage Republicans were happily advertising their favorite old candidate in such words: «Joe Biden has the character, experience, and temperament to lead this nation. We believe he will restore the dignity of the presidency, bring Americans together, reassert America’s role as a global leader, and inspire our nation to live up to its ideals». The authors of this idiocy weren’t some hidden Marxists or, say, some Democratic Socialists. Of course, it would be easier to call them simply RINOs, but I believe that the party names have totally lost their former meaning these years. Each of the Biden’s advertisers belonged just to the top bureaucracy – departmental chiefs, consultants, famous experts, former FBI and CIA bosses etc. During many decades these wise guys had lots of chances to understand perfectly well their great land’s horrible fate in case of Biden’s victory. Alas, the modern bureaucracy is hardly interested in their countries’ fate (at least, no more than cancer cells are interested in a health of organism which they eagerly devour). Can anyone rejoice the inevitable death of cancer cells themselves (be they Marxist, Democratic or just bureaucratic ones) after the lethal end? I guess nobody can. Yet I still can’t stop wondering: why, why, why do the world’s electorates prefer to vote nearly everywhere for exactly such outcome? I’d say, it even becomes kind of fashionable…

    With my sincere gratitude for your worthy “rants” and with all my warmest wishes to you from Tasmania - Rostislav.
