Saturday, March 23, 2024

Masters of Indoctrination, Manipulation, and Agitation

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Communists are masters of agitation, manipulation, infiltration, and indoctrination. Just ask millions of people who have survived and fled from socialist republics ruled by the Communist Party.

Starting with the Bolsheviks, the communists perfected that art of infiltrating schools, colleges, labor unions, community groups, civic groups, NGOs, the government, churches, professional, social, and economic organizations. Their goal has always been to subvert all institutions but particularly minority groups and ethnic groups.

The communists adapted their propaganda to the fears, prejudices, real or invented problems, and social grievances that blame society at large for a minority group’s problems.

Communists are masters at exploiting frictions and differences between native-born and foreign born, whites and non-whites, Jews and Muslims, Christians and atheists, rich and poor, all with the ultimate agenda of aligning the divergent groups with the communist ideology of the collective.

The communist agitators have no real interest in helping the poor, non-whites, or any other “aggrieved” group which claims to experience friction in society, they are only interested in exploiting them for personal gain by magnifying the alleged, newly invented grievances.

The BLM organization agitated young crowds to destroy, loot, and burn cities in the name of “black lives matter,” and, after collecting millions of dollars for this new cause, the BLM masters took the money and ran to buy themselves gated mansions, yachts, and other luxury goods, doing nothing for the alleged oppressed. It was all deception and fraud. They used the “black lives matter” riots to gain wealth for themselves and to advance the cause of American communism.

NGOs have promoted riots, burning and looting, using the communist argument of “class struggle” to their advantage. They injected the idealist and jobless, mostly white crowds into racial issues, exploiting them, promoting hatred for law and order (defunding the police), creating domestic civil unrest and division, fomenting racial strife, hatred, and violence.

Over time, I have heard the phrase that communism is “the wave of the future” and “the future belongs to the youth.” Those are transparent and impossible lies.

College students, the naïve humans that they are, credulous and idealistic, are buying those phrases and the impossible dreams that they engender. By the time these idealistic young men and women find jobs and become gainfully employed, tax-paying citizens, with children and bills to pay, the reality of communism will hit them hard in the wallet.

Students are idealistic and believe that they are making the world a better place through their activism. Who can resist the dream of world peace? To this end, they are the easiest to fool and mobilize, the preferred useful idiots of communist professors and other apparatchiks.

As someone wise once said, young minds are pliable and fertile, the “soil in which the communists hope to implant the alien seed of Marxism.”

The communist activists cleverly use students and their naiveté, convincing them to destroy the democratic processes of government. They think that the erasure of institutions that have built our nation into a successful country will create a “tabula rasa” (clean slate) onto which communism can inscribe its oppressive footprint. They promise so much free stuff to new converts that the attraction becomes magical. But economics teaches us that nothing is free, someone must pay for it.

American students do not know this because they are no longer taught how to think logically, they are taught what to think. Since the history of communism is not studied in American schools, students have no idea that the communism they think they want is a “materialistic, godless dogma dedicated to world domination.”

The extensive outreach of college professors who indoctrinate students in their classes has convinced young, impressionable minds that communism is superior to a free government.

As the current government is working increasingly against the people, one wonders if there is a free government anymore, accountable to ‘we the people’ and how soon the leaders of tomorrow, the current pliable and naïve students, will be subservient to the metastasized government. At that point, they wished they could reverse it peacefully.


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