Wednesday, September 20, 2023

What Does Globalism Mean?

In a world now controlled by a few ultra rich people, what does globalism mean? Are we the people going to be better off economically, healthier, happier, and live longer? Will we be able to sit idly by each day while all our needs will be provided by someone else and it will be free? It is certainly what the new generations are expecting – everything free while they are busy on their Instagram influencing.

Globalism was initially explained to people as “integrating economies across national lines,” allowing all of us to prosper economically no matter where we lived.  Things were cheaper to produce overseas, people there needed jobs, labor was very cheap, there was no EPA regulation, and thus advantageous for our greedy corporations. Some of us did invest into corporate stocks and bonds and we shared in the spoils of having cheaper goods produced.  We were then free to make other goods which we traded with the world. But China and other countries did not play fair in their trading with us.

This globalism turned out to be very sour grapes for the average American. People in America were displaced and impoverished by the loss of jobs moved overseas and potential future investment which were made in China and Mexico instead of the U.S., while the rich plutocrats became richer.  The environment of poor countries became more polluted.

But globalism changed, it is no longer about the economy, it is an “ideology that overrules all institutions, national policies, and traditions.” Globalism now, as “practiced by the European Union and Washington, revises history to align with whatever narrative they are spinning, and to police the world that has surrendered its sovereignty and their rights to a small group of people. “Our Bill of Rights will be thrown out and redefined,” said Col. Douglas Macgregor at the Ron Paul Institute. “History, culture, and national identity are destroyed.”

We did shop for cheaper and cheaply made in China products at Walmart, while mom and pop stores were put out of business because they could not compete with Walmart prices. Was it worth it?

Then came Amazon and more small and medium-sized stores and malls closed because they could not compete with their prices and free delivery.

Government imposed lockdowns followed due to Covid and more companies and stores closed because they were not essential. The mRNA virus was so shrewd that it knew to avoid liquor stores, which were so essential to people’s mental survival in a stupor as they were forced to mask up even in parks, follow an arrowed path in stores, and socially distance themselves from life and reality.

We became grocery store cashiers without any training nor pay, properties began to be confiscated by private entities through eminent domain, homes were lost to banks since income became sporadic, and inflation skyrocketed due to purposeful fossil fuels executive orders and monetary policies of the Biden administration which was meant to throw more Americans into the poor house.

But now globalism has morphed into something more sinister. It is a top down control of every facet of our lives dictated by the U.N., the World Economic Forum, EU, and a few influential plutocrats like Bill Gates, George Soros, and other tech billionaires who want to control everything, health, education, life, death, food, private property, land, social behavior, transportation, agriculture, cattle, hog, and chicken farming, meat consumption, travel distances, means of conveyance, medical care, massive movement of people, immigration, and even climate.

These technocrats know what is best for 8 billion people; they determined that there are too many of us and we must be brought down to size, to one billion people or less. To achieve that goal, they are willing to use any methods necessary including forcible and untested vaccines, infanticide at nine months of gestation, and euthanasia for all ages.

Taking cash out of circulation and forcing digital currencies across the globe will facilitate easier control of people’s lives through denial of services, food, travel, medical care, energy, all recorded with social scores for undesired behavior that a state disapproves of. They are using the Chinese model.

It will be interesting to see how banks will create money and how the velocity of circulation of money will be affected as digital transactions are instantaneous. There won’t be any printing of fiat currency and grandma won’t be able to stash mad money in the mattress for rainy days or for her grandchildren. The underground economy that pays no taxes will disappear completely.

What will happen to people who have poor social scores with the technocracy, will they be denied food and services? People who live in the country will be able to grow their own food should they find seeds or should they be able to control pests without pesticides.

People will revert to feudal bartering to survive but how that will work out in a huge city with a few million inhabitants remains to be seen. They can’t grow much and there are few tangible and desired assets to be bartered when one is starving, needs meds, is cold, and in the dark. One cannot eat gold, jewelry, fancy clothes, shoes, purses, furniture, and other belongings. Many will die from lack of medicines and medical care.

The problem with bartering is something called the coincidence of wants. How fast can you find a person willing and able to barter with you and how far must you travel? Would you have a way to get there and back? How far can you or are you willing to walk?

Cars can’t run without gasoline and this regime is purposefully driving the price of gas through the roof in order to install its green energy, solar panels, and wind turbines. What happens when the wind stops blowing, large hail beats down on solar panels, and the sun does not shine? And what happens when the kill switches in conventional cars will be activated in 2025 to save the planet from the narrative of carbon footprint Armageddon?

Europe is facing right now the uncertainty of insufficient heating fuel and natural gas. Rich countries like Germany and Austria are chopping wood for heating while other countries are standing in line to get coal directly from the mines. Austria has shortages of antibiotics, food is through the roof and rent and energy prices are confiscatory.

The globalist policies are negatively affecting all western nations that have foolishly signed onto the Net Zero policy of 2030 and closed down all sources of cheap fossil fuel energy and replaced it with very expensive, inadequate, and insufficient green energy.

Perhaps you can be enterprising like the man in Holland who modified his bicycle to seat five small children, but how safe is it, and how long will you be able to hold on to such ridiculous mode of transportation?



1 comment:

  1. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary (or ol' man Webster) defines “globalism” as “a national policy of treating the whole world as a proper sphere for political influence” and compares it to “imperialism, internationalism.” Well, doesn't that sound nice. Of course, the devil is in the details. Ol' man Webster should remove “proper,” from its definition. There is no “proper” in globalism.

    Your article explains the devil that is in the details. Prophetically, you predict the complete Machiavellian dystopia, as it continues to unfold, in this once great nation (the USSA, or the Ununited Socialist States of America) and in the world.

    Perhaps, in the future, folks, who are enduring and awakening from the dystopian lie, will find your article and return the world to some common sense. Even better, may this article awaken the lemmings, who are rushing headlong into the devil's dystopia, before it's too late. Thank you for your article and for allowing comments! (This comment is entered, where it is published, on two platforms.)
