Saturday, January 30, 2021

A Dark Day When America Transforms into Marx’s Vision

Karl Heinrich Marx, a notoriously lazy German who existed with his family as a welfare case of his rich friends, might be surprised that his academic thoughts and ideas shook the 20th century to its core and enslaved millions of people across the world, creating monstrous regimes that killed 100 million of their own citizens for their dissension and unwillingness to accept a proletarian society that dispossessed humans of their own property, land, and freedoms, and turned them into serfs to the omnipotent socialist state imposed and run by the Communist Party.

Marx might be even more surprised that such a failed societal and economic model would be resurrected in the 21st century in the least likely society to accept Marx’s ideas, the United States, the beacon of freedom for the rest of the world.

Marx’s 1848 pamphlet, The Communist Manifesto, has been resuscitated today by brainwashed American generations who want socialism but have no understanding of what it entails. They hear the word “free” everything and that is enough for them to support such an oppressive form of society and disastrous economic model.

Marx’s pamphlet was written as a critique against capitalism even though he and his family shamelessly lived off his benefactors’ capitalist income. His outrage against the exploitation of capitalism as he saw it, is reminiscent of the youth of today who protest capitalism in the streets and want it replaced with socialism, while holding electronic products and living a lifestyle produced by an abundant capitalist economy.

Marx divided society into the ruling class and the working class, describing the proletariat as an exploited and oppressed segment of society by the ruling class. The working class is forced to sell their labor to exist and survive. It would be hard for the proletariat to find rich supporters like Marx had. He did not work a productive day in his life but lived off the generosity of his friends, instead of honestly providing for his wife and numerous children.

Marx talked about “eternal truths such as Freedom and Justice,” hence the cries of today’s youth for Social Justice, concepts they barely understand or can explain. 

Marx wrote that communism would abolish these eternal truths found in all states of society, “it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.” (p. 92, The Communist Manifesto)

The evil “bourgeoisie” that owned the capital will be dispossessed by its “political supremacy” in order that all instruments of production will be centralized in the hands of the state and the proletariat will be organized as the ruling class. At that time, the total productive forces will be increased as quickly as possible.  (p. 93, The Communist Manifesto)

As the old social order is being destroyed and class distinctions disappeared, old conditions of production replaced with new ones, and utopian “association” will emerge with “free development” of all.

What were the ten tenets of Marx’s Communist Manifesto?

1.       “Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.”

When the Bolsheviks marched in with the Soviet Army into Romania, the society at large strongly opposed their idea of giving up land and private property to the state for the “public good.” Romania had a thriving economy under the monarchy and people were making an honest living on their own farms, small factories, small businesses. Using coercion, torture, and murder, the Bolsheviks wrested farms, houses, factories, hotels, private buildings, and stores from their rightful owners and turned everything over to the state which was now run by the Communist Party made up of a small group of revolutionaries. As they gained more power, they used this newly acquired state property as their fiefdom and awarded and rewarded their apparatchiks with other people’s homes and wealth. In typical fashion, socialists steal by decrees until they run out of other people’s wealth, money, and property.

2.       “A heavy progressive and graduated income tax.”

The masses are taxed until there is nothing left to tax and people have a bare minimum to exist on.

3.       “Abolition of all right of inheritance.”

Nothing is yours; it belongs to the state. My grandparents lost everything to the first round of Communist Party confiscation: land, the farm, farm implements, gold coins, family jewelry, savings, and any cash on hand or personal possessions in the home, including a mantel clock. When they died, the home they had lived in became the property of the state, the six children could not dispose of it as they wished.

4.       “Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.”

When I emigrated legally to the U.S., everything I owned was confiscated and I was only allowed to leave with two suitcases of clothes and memorabilia.

When my father (a staunch anti-communist) died, all his savings and possessions, including my books, were confiscated by the state. When my mom defected to the U.S., all her savings and possessions were confiscated by the socialist state as well. To add insult to injury, my parents, who worked since they were 18 years old, 43 years for my dad and 30 years for my mom, never received their pensions, it was also confiscated by the state. To this day, the state has made no effort to redress the situation to my mom. And it was not for lack of trying. I have even asked the prime minister in person.

5.       “Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.”

People living in socialist societies had to save their money to purchase anything of value. Credit was seldom given by the only bank and the interest rates were confiscatory, as much as 50% in some cases to discourage borrowing. People would borrow from family members and return the money over time with an agreed upon but much lower interest rate.

6.       “Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.”

State’s priorities involved the improvement of the lives of those in control, the communist oligarchs, who had amassed vast wealth confiscated from the population. Communication was state owned and controlled and so was transportation. We could travel by rickety busses or trains; few people owned cars as they were prohibitively expensive and the driving test quite difficult to pass.

Few owned telephones, it took 14 years to install a phone line from the time a petition was filed, and phones were tapped all the time. Letters were always opened and read by the state. There were few newspapers and a couple of magazines, all content controlled by the state. Rural residents used the party newspaper for toilet paper as it was always difficult to find, even though the country had vast forests. Nothing was published without the approval of the Communist Party and its censors. In America today we have censorship by a handful of tech giants, something nobody had envisioned in the country where freedom of speech is guaranteed in the Constitution. But then we had a Constitution under the socialist regime too, but the overlords thumbed their noses at it and kept changing it to suit their rhetoric.

7.       “Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of wastelands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.”

The infamous Five-Year Plans issued by the Communist Party was seldom fulfilled because it was irrational and unreasonable, not based on sound economics. The Party concentrated on developing the country through heavy industrial investments and projects at the expense of the proletariat’s living standards who were pathetic when compared to other countries.

8.       “Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.”

Every able-bodied adult had a job with minimum pay established by the state, nobody was idle and on welfare unless they were sick or giving birth. People of all ages, including school children, were forced to do volunteer labor in agriculture, planting or harvesting crops, cleaning streets, and planting grass and flowers.

9.       “Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.”

Farmers, whose land had been confiscated, had to commute to nearby cities to find employment in factories, and their wives and children tended to a small garden by their homes to eat. Some young but mostly old men and women were left behind to farm the state’s co-operatives.

Farmers were crowded in homes next to each other in their tightly packed villages or were forcefully moved into concrete bloc apartments in the city so that state-owned co-operative farms could be established with their joined lands.

10.   “Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc., etc.”

When I emigrated to the U.S., I had to reimburse the omnipotent state for the education I had received up to that point even though we were supposed to receive a free education, including college. But nothing was free unless it benefited the mighty state.

As children we had to labor in the state’s fields to dig up potatoes, onions, pick grapes, pears, apples, and plums. It was volunteer work, and we were taken out of school two weeks in the fall and a few weeks in the spring.

The retread Socialist Democrats of America today claim that they “own the future.” The question remains, how dark is this future going to be and how long are the other Americans going to accept this evil darkness?








Wednesday, January 27, 2021

“Governing Socialism” and State Power

Government is not a solution to our problem; government is the problem. – Ronald Reagan

The American socialist left has been planning behind closed doors for over a century to govern the United States. But the Constitution has been in the way. They could not seize the means of production and bring about the totalitarian state power governing everything by the rule of one Party. But they finally succeeded by attaining one most important element in this battle - electoral power and dominance by one Party, the Socialist Democrats of America.

As Bill Fletcher wrote, by seizing state power the left has created a “hegemonic bloc that moves us away from capitalism, instead of just changing who controls the institutions that keep it running. Winning state power involves the domination and, over time, deconstruction and replacement of capitalist institutions.”

Governing socialism is different from seizing state power. Leftists or progressives as they like to call themselves in the sea of deceptive euphemisms they have invented over decades of political correctness, a form of stifling freedom of speech, have been seizing more and more state power through political offices at all levels of government in a capitalist state, with capitalist money and support. As more socialists/Marxists win political office, they can achieve the societal transformation by which the capitalist state is replaced with the socialist state.

Since the 1970s, the public school system has been churning yearly millions of miseducated American youth who are taught to despise and even hate their own country, roots, and history, considering everybody who disagrees with their view of the world as inimical and stupid, including their own families.

The path to socialist power has been rather simple. Denigrate capitalism and everything America has achieved as being evil, racist, and dreadful and present socialism to the brainwashed masses as the solution for all the real and invented atrocities. In a simple way, cancel American culture and replace it with Cultural Marxism.

Expanding the socialist base to critical mass has been accelerated by a state-controlled lockdown from a viral flu outbreak misrepresented by a seriously flawed computer modeling from the U.K. – threaten citizens nationally and globally with a pandemic so horrific that people would die if they did not stay hidden in their own homes. People lost their jobs, livelihoods, faces, freedom of movement, assembly, schooling, and identities to a mandatory mask, making everyone equal in their misery and fright. People’s lives and behaviors as human beings have been forever changed.

Lock down the economy through unconstitutional mandates, bankrupt thousands of small and mid-size businesses, maintain and enrich a few oligarchs dedicated to the socialist cause, and make millions of Americans unemployed and dependent on government for their survival, and you have almost overnight equality in unemployment, dependence, and poverty.

Techniques such as online organizing which Organizing for America (OFA) perfected, resurrecting the dead to vote, the “undocumented” border jumper vote, unsolicited mail-in ballots, shutting down vote counting for hours during election, ballots brought in the middle of the night, and fraudulent electronic voting in key states, has entrenched the power of the progressive and anti-American forces who are now controlling the country with Socialist Democrats securely at the helm with a president suffering of second stage dementia.

Censoring conservatives by technocrats, constant disinformation by the media, censoring the president of the United States and all those who worked with him by tech giants who now control speech, has put the final nail in the coffin of capitalism and allowed the so-called socialist Democrats to gain political power at all levels of society in the misguided effort to destroy the economy and install a new socialist society.

Will the forces of capitalism just give up because the leftists politicians are now controlling everything? Can the Socialist Democrats convince a critical mass of Americans that capitalism is toxic while enjoying its luxuries, and must be destroyed and replaced by the socialism that promises everything for free?

I personally doubt it, as I have experienced how incompetent the socialist republic I grew up in was run by the one-party state, the Communist Party. The economy was terrible, these apparatchiks were better at spouting socialist drivel than governing, everything had to be rationed, it was made of poor quality, and everyone was equally miserable and poor.

Gone was the abundant economy under the monarchy. When the Bolsheviks came in and the Soviet Army invaded the country, people were forced to accept the Marxist ideology and their ridiculous Five-Year plans that managed to drive everyone into abject poverty after peoples’ wealth, land, and private property were confiscated for the “collective good.”

George Orwell wrote in his 1984 book that “ignorance is strength.” He said that the basic structure of society has not changed throughout the ages. There were always “three kinds of people in the world, the High, the Middle, and the Low… the same pattern has always reasserted itself, jut as the gyroscope will always return to equilibrium, however far it is pushed one way or the other.”

The High want to remain in power. The Middle want to change places with the High. “The aim of the Low, when they have an aim, … is to abolish all distinctions and create a society in which all men shall be equal.”

Orwell continues, “Of the three groups, only the Low are never even temporarily successful in achieving their aims.  They have only managed to change “the name of their masters.”

So, for the time being, the voters were convinced by hook and by crook that their new masters, the Socialist Democrats of America, are a force for good, have seized power and governing in a socialist way to provide freebies that nobody must work for because they are entitled to such benefits. If Americans believe this huge distortion of reality, socialism will reign.

The wise British PM Margaret Thatcher said once, “The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.” Sadly, many Americans no longer read to learn the truth from real history.

Since many Americans do not understand basic economics and that the state does not have any money, it is the taxpayers’ money distributed in welfare or stimulus checks, they give you back your own money, it is highly unlikely that they will understand that socialism can just as easily take away as they give away and install rationing and poverty like in Venezuela.

Grossly misguided Americans who have been brainwashed in schools and taught manufactured history by Howard Zinn (exceedingly popular “history” book written from his socialist perspective), raise their clenched fists in a cry of “power to the people.” What they do not really realize is that socialism does not mean “power to the people,” it is “power over the people,” and “power to the state.”


Thursday, January 21, 2021

No Longer Creeping Socialism

After the most embarrassing and horrific inauguration behind troops, fences, and concertina razor wires, the socialist rule of the new America begins with the killing of the Keystone Pipeline, the destruction of thousands of jobs, of cheap energy, the rejoining of the global warming alarmist Paris Climate Accord, the removal of the 1776 Project, the vow to restart Iran’s nuclear program, and 100 days of federal mask mandates.

The technocracy and the elites in power have morphed overnight from rich capitalists to rich socialists. America is following a path to Marxism, warned Pastor Cristian Ionescu from Chicago. The people with all the wealth and power can morph into anything they want if they convince the brainwashed masses who voted them in power.

Communist Party members in Romania became capitalists in 1989 (presumably communism “fell”) to stay in power under the radar of the dumbed down masses. They stole the state’s wealth and formed companies becoming millionaires and billionaires practically overnight. Video: America Is Following a Path to Marxism, Warns Pastor Cristian Ionescu (

Pastor Ionescu explained that the Romanian people never accepted the Communist Party rule. The commies only had about a thousand members. They imposed their rule by force. Why would people accept this rule?

The monarchy presided over a rich and successful country until the Soviet Army marched in and imposed compliance by “deceit, oppression, repression, and force, using pseudo-intellectuals.”

Once suppressed, oppressed, and repressed, the population was so desperate for their survival in the new “common good” society that they believed any lies repeated at nauseam. They were eager to eat and to stay alive.

A mad rush began to write laws and decrees. Once the mandates became law, the society turned into totalitarian rule by the communist elite. The communists exploited the dire need for survival and the suggested mandates were nudged into draconian laws. We saw that with the Corona virus mask mandates in this country.

Faith had to be destroyed and the apparatchiks accomplished that by infiltrating churches with pastors who were not true believers. They outed true believers, sabotaged them, and eventually eliminated them if they did not cooperate. If they did cooperate, they received token privileges of survival.

Just as it has happened here, colleges and seminaries were infiltrated by communists who were secular teachers and professors who believed strongly in the Marxist ideology. Dissidents were singled out, isolated, and eliminated.

Pastor Ionescu believes that “communism is a cannibalistic society at its core.” When the lawyer Lucretiu Patrascanu became a nationalist, even though he cooperated fully with the communists and helped them take power, when he was no longer a “useful idiot,” he was shot by the Soviets.

“I see rich people, they donate money to [communist] causes, they are so in love with socialist ideas, it is almost demonic. They fight God for their own destruction. The first thing communists do, is take away their wealth. They are suicidal to support a philosophy that comes after what they have.”

Pastor Ionescu describes the pathetic people, formerly well-off, wearing once expensive clothes that had turned ragged, standing in line for a loaf of bread, thin and haggard in their collective poverty and misery. They were completely crushed morally and physically.

Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest defector from communism, described in his book, Disinformation, how he helped the dictator infiltrate churches and society at all levels, including the media, education, television, and publishing. They aimed to control society to such a degree that nobody had peace, they lived in constant fear. But they gave special privileges and advantages to the military, the police, and all their apparatchiks. A little extra food, better housing conditions, and the illusion of a better life went a long way to keep them faithful to the utopian cause.

The Soviets and their agents fanned across the country had to act against family, God, parental authority, churches, and had to destroy any form of authority that competed with the Party.

Like today’s Social Democrats, socialist/communist handlers divided people by class, sex, religion, race, ethnicity, invented biology, and real or manufactured wealth to keep the population divided and distrustful of each other. What a perfect formula for controlling society!

Many Americans stated that socialism will never come here, this is America, and we have a fighting spirit, we will preserve our Constitutional Republic. “Nobody is dumb enough to adopt such a failed societal model that has been rejected soundly around the globe.”  And here we are.

I used to believe in the American exceptionalism and spirit, but I now agree with the Washington Post’s statement that the much-touted American exceptionalism no longer exists. Judging by the very scary inauguration of a president in the former bastion of freedom called America, I am afraid they are right.




Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Encouraging Photos from Tasmania

 A note from my friend Slava in Tasmania

You know, dear Ileana, I’ve just returned home from a small but wonderful bikes/cars show in our neighbouring Primrose Sands:

…hence, I'm feeling myself so happy now both with the event and with the pleasant surprise of your most attentive email in my comp. Thank you ever so much! You may be fully at ease (at least about Tasmania): sometimes we have a sudden windy time right amidst our summer, like today, but – masks?! But - commies?! But - siege?! Never, as you may see from the Aussies’ honestly open faces in my pictures!

No bureaucrats-orders about any masquerades here, thank God, so I cross my fingers in a silent prayer for your great country to return to her usual maskless normality as soon as it would be only possible. 

Thursday, January 14, 2021

United States of America, Version 2.0

Kevin McCarthy – 1/12/21

The action on January 6th at the Capitol was boisterous, loud and assertive. The People said, “enough” and proceeded to enter “our house” to make our angry voices heard. Our government itself has thrown away the rule of law, the judiciary has turned its back on us, our votes and consent are robbed from us, our elected officials turn tail and run from us serving their own interests while the Media lies about us and mischaracterizes us as Nazis, white supremist and evil right-wing extremists. Now, they accuse us of carrying out “a bloody coup” when the only blood that was shed was that of innocent Ashli Babbitt, a patriot whose shed blood now waters the Tree of Liberty. Is it any wonder patriots are angry?

Now we are facing the designs of the power-hungry Democrats, who are promising more tyranny, to pack the Senate, the Courts, open the borders and this, after having watched for months, the Left burning, rioting, looting, murdering while the media only portrayed them as “peaceful protestors,” and us as racists for calling them out. All of this awakens us to the undeniable reality that what we are facing is Soviet-style totalitarianism!

Trump supporters have always been peaceful and law abiding. I have been to two of the recent marches in DC attended by hundreds of thousands. There have been hundreds of Trump rallies that have taken place across the country without a single act of violence instigated by a supporter of Trump, not one act of violence. Yet do Trump supporters even receive a modicum of a benefit of the doubt?  That is why I do not participate in the condemnation of those patriots for their alleged violence in storming the Capitol. Yes, they forced their way into “Our House,” and they also made a statement in the time-honored tradition of civil disobedience, and with good reason, as previously stated.

If there were acts of violence, I am hearing some Antifa-like people were there passing out hammers and other riot paraphernalia to their people, wearing gas masks and helmets. If so, then let us find those particular individuals and identify them. If it is true that Antifa had a strong presence there, it is, of course, highly suspicious activity and will confirm that violence was certainly not attributable to Trump supporters.

Some are saying Antifa arrived in two busloads and were let in so as to hijack things toward their own agenda and turn it into a violent event. We need to find out. But what is uncalled for is the rush to judgement and the utter condemnation of Trump supporters for forcing their way inside the Capitol.

In truth, it was a courageous act of protest and our elected officials would do well to try to understand what would cause normally law-abiding citizens to storm the Capitol building even at the risk of their lives which, sadly, did cost the life of Ashli Babbitt, a true patriot martyr. The other deaths that took place that day were either accidents or medical emergencies. Two of the deaths were not even at the Capitol and another was of the officer who committed suicide days later. Yet, the Media portrays it as if they all were murdered by the “bloody coup” perpetrated by Donald Trump and his vicious supporters. It is a lie.

The utterly amazing thing about the Capitol protest, was how the patriots were not violent or destructive in the demonstration. If these were not the good citizens of America, and, instead, the precedence of history held sway, we would have seen a Capitol burned to the ground and any Congressman or Senator cornered being lynched or, at least, tarred and feathered. Thank God, there were mostly good American citizens,

Trump supporters, at the Capitol on January 6th. In most cases, the only property damage was inadvertent, weapons were not brought in (other than by Antifa), nothing was set on fire, it was basically pushing, shoving, and yelling.

The patriots were there to make their point because, given the circumstances, it is not an option anymore for us to be gracious losers. We will not sit on our hands and whine over losing our nation while the pundits and professional Republicans, who were not even there, clutch their pearls and pontificate, concerned only about how to get a few crumbs that fall off the new master’s table. I would prefer to hear Republicans condemning the reasons that led to the storming of the Capitol. If they want to condemn, it should be that the People’s sacred rights, our authority to choose our representatives has been robbed from us!! That too, is a condemnable act of violence!!

We know, this particular battle is over and that it was sealed with The Steal, Jr., and the loss of the Georgia Senate race. We did not believe for a moment that Ted Cruz and the handful of Senators and Congressmen were engaged in anything more than Kabuki theater to appease their conservative constituents.

Sadly, what may be also over is, the United States of America version 1.0. On January 6, 2021 over 800,000 people, who are citizens first, then Trump supporters second, came to Washington D.C. They came during a weekday and in the middle of a pandemic. Many of them have had their lives and livelihoods turned upside-down, they have lost homes, businesses, college funds, retirement nest-eggs by the politically motivated “lockdown” and the promise of more to come with the Leftist Biden administration.

I spoke to many patriots, who came to the rally having spent their last dime to come to D.C. American lives have been destroyed by a cynical ruse to usurp power. That is what brought so many to the Capitol and the desperate and courageous action to enter the building! How else are they to be heard? Vote? But who now will do the counting?

I do not apologize for them, I stand with them, those brave heroes 100%. They are the courageous patriots, and we will remember them and the name of Ashli Babbitt forever. . .if there is still to be a United States of America.

That is the question then, will there – can there be the United States of America, version 2.0? To answer that question, the way forward has already been laid down: it is our only hope and, more than a right, it is our duty authorized to us by the endowment of our Creator and as expressed in the Declaration of Independence:

“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” Declaration of Independence

On January 6, we heard the next “shot heard around the world” and the new birth of a new America. 80,000,000 people will not go away and are duty-bound to throw off such Government, the despotism that is now foisted upon us by this coming Leftist regime.

Boldly stand for the narrative that is the truth and always remember January 6, 2021. It is the birthday of a new America, the day we all became Ashli Babbitt.

Note: Reprinted with permission by Kevin McCarthy

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Lavrentiy Beria, Show Me the Man

Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest-serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in Russia and Eastern Europe, bragged that he could prove criminal conduct on anyone, even the innocent.

“Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” was Beria’s infamous boast. He served as deputy premier from 1941 until Stalin’s death in 1953, supervising the expansion of the gulags and other secret detention facilities for political prisoners. He became part of a post-Stalin, short-lived ruling troika until he was executed for treason after Nikita Khrushchev’s coup d’etat in 1953.

Beria targeted “the man” first, then proceeded to find or fabricate a crime. Beria’s modus operandi was to presume the man guilty, and fill in the blanks later. By contrast, under the United States Constitution, there’s a presumption of innocence that emanates from the 5th, 6th, and 14th Amendments, as set forth in Coffin vs. U.S. (1895).

Lenin's Mausoleum

Staron photo on Wikipedia

In case you wonder why the Russians spent so much money to keep Lenin mummified in a mausoleum for almost a century (he died in 1924) - the thriving communists led by Stalin wanted to keep the spirit of the revolution and Lenin alive for future generations to follow in his footsteps.

The communists succeeded beyond their dreams - they convinced their former foe, U.S., to forcefully nudge their citizens into socialism, the gateway to communism, via a technology and medically-rigged presidential election.


My people were taken over by Bolsheviks after WWII and convinced that they needed social justice which would be delivered by the newly formed Communist Party.

Many fell for the lies but large numbers did not. To convince them, the new regime confiscated their guns, took their land, their homes, took away freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, until there was nothing else to take except their personal freedom. To escape prison, the rest had to comply.

Once they were all securely controlled, the tyranny lasted five decades until the army had enough and decided to rebel alongside the oppressed masses and to provide guns to them.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

The Orchestrated Socialist Deception While Parents Slept

The Iron Curtain Line of Separation
Photo: Dr. Aurel Mircea

How have Americans accepted socialism, the lockdowns, and election fraud so easily? From a former teacher’s perspective, it was easy. The communist indoctrination and orchestrated deception run deep and go back so many decades that by the time half of the adult population has caught on, it is too late.

How were highly paid professors, public school teachers, and administrators able to mold the minds of America’s children while their parents “slept,” lulled by the expensive and convincing propaganda that America has the best education in the world? Television, Hollywood, and smart devices were the “best” baby-sitters in the world.

The public-school teachers themselves were indoctrinated by Colleges of Education around the country. My own alma mater publishes a College of Education magazine called Forward. If you studied Howard Zinn’s version of history, you probably have no idea that “forward” was both Hitler’s and Stalin’s motto, “forward” to fascism and “forward” from socialism to communism.

The educational brainwashing was so appealing to the large egos of those intended to be indoctrinated! Only the coolest, smartest, most insider informed followed the dictates of their master controllers, the mainstream media, academia, and “woke” billionaires and stars. If they believed what the teachers told them, then they too could be “among the coolest, smartest, most insider informed.”

On the other hand, if you do not fall in line with the insiders, you are an ignoramus, you are irredeemable, uneducated, uncool, and stupid. And if you want to be properly informed, you must read “cool” publications who agree with us, i.e., New York Times, The Washington Post, Time, and the Atlantic. If you want to know manufactured history, then Project 1619 is for you.

And if they have not been brainwashed fully, then turn on the MSM and the so-called journalists will provide the visceral hate and pettiness that would make “Mean Girls” blush. The journos’ non-stop rhetoric provides an atmosphere of discontent, breeding hate around the world, and eventually violence.

Academia who has professed tolerance and acceptance of divergent opinions is now espousing zero tolerance for anyone who disagrees with their talking points. Why would anyone spend their hard-earned money to pay for their child’s expensive college tuition knowing that at graduation their children may have worthless and unmarketable degrees and will become violent and detestable anti-Americans who hate their own parents and refuse to associate with them based on their different political views?

As Sherine E. stated, “the typical disrespect, arrogance, and narcissism of liberals is shown in how they have zero ability to engage unless one bows to them. If anyone dares to have an independent view, they will be subject to all forms of wrath.”

Blinded by their radicalism, liberals disrespect their own parents, forgetting that they gave birth to them, raised them with love and care, and paid for their expensive college education.

Sadly, even a high percentage of children raised in Christian homes, after having attended universities around the country, turn communist (progressive) after a couple of years of heavy indoctrination into academic dreck and revisionist history. Families are breaking apart over this insidious and assiduous indoctrination.

These college-educated and indoctrinated people as well as others who worship socialism do not understand that all elites are using the Covid-19 pandemic to “reset” the world as per World Economic Forum in Davos. It is so obvious to those who understand history and economics that it is “a political mechanism to change the United States from capitalism to communism sanctioned by globalists.”

The public has crumbled in fear from Chicom disinformation, aided and abetted by citizen Karens informing on their own neighbors and total strangers, accosting them in stores, in parks, on streets, in parking lots, and in the woods.

The population either shrank into compliance or was forced to close small businesses to the benefit of giant chains who could stay open.

Americans were barred from shopping for food and drugs unless they complied with the lockdown mandates. Most cowered in lockstep if they wanted to eat or get their medications.

Liberals were screaming for a vaccine, and now that it is out, they are either fighting who gets it first, or refusing for fear of side-effects. As always, they claim, it is President Trump’s fault.

“What happened to the resolute American spirit,” asked a real journalist recently. The answer is quite simple, they are likely to turn the other cheek and succumb fully to socialism.

It seems that shaping public opinion is a full-time and never-ending job for radical educators and the media, who constantly collude to re-shape, reframe, and redefine reality, government, language, and family. The first act of the 117th Congress was to abolish biological sex.

Canadian Ken Adachi (1929-1989) wrote, “What most Americans believe to be ‘public opinion’ is in reality carefully crafted and scripted propaganda designed to elicit a desired behavioral response from the public.”

Public citizens are too busy to pay attention or do their own homework, they accept the “official” version of reality as presented by CNN across the world in airports, stores, and on military bases.

The radical college snowflakes that hard-working Americans have raised, who need a safe space to exist on college campuses, will protest with violence and burn down cities to get what they want – socialism and free stuff.

As of today, our country and its government have officially turned socialist. It is painfully apparent that the American fighting spirit for “justice and the American way” was just a myth.