Tuesday, February 28, 2017

"Enemies Within" Documentary Showing in Northern Virginia

Photo: Ileana Johnson 2017
Following Trevor Loudon’s appearance at CPAC 2017, a small group of activists organized a viewing of Loudon’s documentary, “Enemies Within,” on February 27, 2017.

More than 107 northern Virginians came to hear the introduction by Trevor Loudon and to watch the 89-minute film, highlighting well-documented evidence of the advance of communism in America, specific past and current members of Congress who are self-identified communists and Islamophiles, allegedly involved in anti-American activities whose end-goal is the targeted destruction of our country.

Among those present were special guests, Phil Haney, Jim Simpson, and Max Friedman, who appeared in the documentary.

Trevor Loudon, the producer and writer of the documentary, is an activist from Christ Church, New Zealand.  He started his political action in 1986 when he campaigned then against the Soviet Marxist subversion of his country, pursuing a halt to diplomatic and trade relations with the Soviet Union on the grounds that it is a “hostile totalitarian dictatorship seeking world domination.”

As Loudon was introduced, the audience learned that Accuracy in the Media brought Trevor Loudon’s political activism to the attention of the American public. Some Americans heard Loudon speak for the first time at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

Hailing from the “real south,” the south Pacific, Loudon introduced his friend, Max Friedman, who “used to get into the face of Bill Ayres, went to all of the commie meetings, looking just like any other long-haired hippie. He is a walking encyclopedia of the left. He understands how insidious these people are and how much damage they have done to this country.”

America, as the freest and richest country in the world, is populated by the world’s most generous, benevolent, kindly, and tolerant people, said Loudon. But a little bit of “naiveté and complacency” make it hard for Americans to understand “evil.” Loudon argued that it is difficult for Americans to understand that their own “Senators and Congressmen want to do this country harm.”

People who had lived under communism understand this kind of “evil” that had enslaved them, killing millions if they dared to protest or question the totalitarian dear leader. But Americans take the gift of freedom for granted, a gift their Founding Fathers had to pay for dearly, said Loudon.

Why would a New Zealander come to America and worry about this country’s future? Loudon explained that the first reason was gratitude. It was the American men, our fathers and grandfathers, who saved New Zealand from imminent Japanese occupation. Hopping from island to island, the Japanese were so sure of their victory, that they had already printed the currency which they were going to use in Australia and New Zealand. Your fathers, uncles, grandfathers took them on at Guadalcanal and Midway and stopped them “stone cold.” Every older New Zealander understands and is grateful for the sacrifice these American men had made.

The second reason is a bit more selfish, said Loudon. As Ronald Reagan had said, “this is the last hope for mankind,” If you lose your Constitution, your liberty, your economic dynamism, and your military superiority, all of which have been totally trashed for the last eight years,” the bad guys of the planet will take over.”

The entire globe owes Americans a huge debt of gratitude for having elected Donald Trump. If it was not for your activism, we would have Hillary Clinton sitting in the White House and the whole world would be in terror of what was coming next.”

And then there was divine intervention, not unlike the divine intervention during the Revolutionary War. This is a special country with a special destiny, said Loudon. “This country, with its farmers and settlers, took on the biggest world power at the time, the British Empire, and they beat them. How miraculous was that?”

“We have been given a four-year reprieve. Donald Trump is not a miracle cure-all. We have to do anything in our power to set this country back on its successful course, to be the leader of the free world once again.”

Brexit “was the warm-up act,” Donald Trump followed, and we must make sure that the success defeating the globalists will continue in the future, for many terms. It took one hundred years or more to get to where we are today, and we cannot reverse course overnight. The Western world depends on individual citizens’ activism. We must fight and defeat the hardened American-grown revolutionaries who have been working tirelessly for over a century to bring about global communism.

Loudon is preparing a series, America Under Siege, as a follow up to the documentary, Enemies Within. According to Loudon, “there are at least 100 members of Congress (such as Gerry Connolly) and 20 members of the Senate (such as Tim Kaine) who are so enmeshed in the Muslim Brotherhood, neo-communism, or both, they could not pass an FBI background check to sell you stamps at the post office.” There are zero background checks for our Congressmen and Senators yet they are serving on the Intelligence Committee, on the Armed Services Committee, and on many others of the sixteen key intelligence committees.

The evening ended with the viewing of the documentary and a short Q & E.




Saturday, February 18, 2017

FORWARD to Globalist Existence

The glossy magazine came in the mail a few days ago from my alma mater’s College of Education, with this unfortunate name printed in big, white, bold letters, lest you miss it, FORWARD.

Maybe the dean had no idea that FORWARD graced all propaganda materials for Germany’s Social Democratic Party, Vorwärts (Forward), founded in 1876, and that it is still published monthly today and mailed to all Social Democratic Party (SPD) members. Was he trying to exclude all students who did not hold that political leaning, or was he trying to convert them all?

The German paper named FORWARD published the writings of Friedrich Engels, Kurt Tucholsky, Russian Marxist economists, the Mensheviks, and Leon Trotsky. Strangely, it refused to publish any articles by Vladimir I. Lenin.

Interestingly, Adolf Hitler sued the paper for libel in 1923 and won 6 million marks. It had claimed that Hitler was financed by “American Jews and Henry Ford.”

Because the Social Democratic Party of Germany was banned during the Nazi era, its publication, Vorwärts (Forward), stopped in 1933 but continued in Czechoslovakia until 1938 and Paris until 1940.

Perhaps the dean is not channeling this German publication, he is moving forward to globalism, ready to create with each graduating class the global citizens of tomorrow who believe in social justice, environmental justice, and gender justice.

The indoctrination into political correctness of the last decades is finally bearing fruit – campuses have become the most intolerant places in society, spaces where free and divergent speech should be embraced by all. Yet violent mobs are protesting conservatives who come to speak or debate, preventing them from exercising their freedom of speech. Hurling rocks and words such as racists and violent fascists, these intolerant mobs are engaging in the very act they are protesting against while conservatives remain peaceful.

Administrators, professors, and parents alike are complicit in the indoctrination of our youth into an anti-American culture of hatred and intolerance. They are no longer graduating with a useful, marketable degree, with knowledge that they can improve lives and our country. They are a collective group of whiny, effeminate, drug-addled, terribly misguided, without an ethical and religious compass, and filled to the brim with illogical, morally reprehensible habits and ideas.

Their professors have drilled multi-culturalism and diversity into their brains to the point that they admire primitive cultures and worship the enemies of western civilization.  No graduate stops to think, but what exactly is this diversity doing for the economic success of our country? Is there tangible evidence that a company is successful because it proudly advertises its diverse work force? Do genial ideas come from a diverse work force that follows the orders of the boss? No, ideas come from the freedom to think and to raise capital, from the opportunity to develop human capital; constructive ideas do not come from divisive Marxist conversations and endless racial baiting, indoctrination, and protests about impossible equality, gender, and social justice.

The much maligned white male and the white race have developed the bulk of inventions that have created a western civilization unlike any other. Why exactly are leftists trying to dismantle it piece by piece? What are they going to replace it with? The seventh century existence of the religionists of hate and the Orwellian world of the control-freak globalists?  Why are they trying to destroy every remnant of our American history, good or bad, and to replace it with their revisionist history? Isn’t that what the rabid Islamists have done with the abundant archeological evidence of our past human history which they’ve blown up and erased into sad craters of ignorance and savagery?

Shouldn’t professors teach their communism-loving students that “greater economic freedom represents greater economic development,” a longer, healthier, and happier life? Shouldn’t they inculcate the idea that a country without borders is not a country and that stemming illegal immigration and refugee resettlement from countries that are hotbeds of terrorism endangers everybody’s future? What is wrong with self-preservation, with protecting our families, children, and grandchildren? http://click.heritage.org/b0000sHeqMe0T0DU030Ep4r

We must also stop listening to the assorted alphabet soup main stream media outlets, the real purveyors of fake news, manufactured news concocted with one idea in mind, to brainwash the masses into their socialist indoctrination narrative.

We must stop watching the movies of the “bitter, unhappy, angry, divisive people of the entertainment industry” as well.  As Edward D. Spitaletta said in his boycott the Academy Award email, “These arrogant, pompous, pampered, soulless individuals declare that half of Americans are racist, sexist, and bigoted for voicing our political choice through Donald Trump. Yet there can be no doubt that the entertainment industry does more to exploit, degrade, minimize, and stereotype women than Donald Trump or any other industry ever has. From Madonna and Miley Cyrus parading on stage while grabbing their crotches and allowing fans to do the same, to movies that depict women as whores, sluts, and gold-diggers dependent on their bodies for survival, to the deplorable speeches of Madonna and Ashley Judd talking about their periods in a vile manner,” Hollywood is a cesspool of degenerates who should not be role models for any generation.

My friend Carmel argued “how ‘Underdog’ cartoons turned out generations of pill popping grownups - what did Underdog do when he needed more power? He opened his ‘ring with the secret compartment’ and took the ‘power pill’ hidden inside.”

There is a real battle for our children’s minds, especially those who “don’t come from a large family and are by themselves too long,” said Carmel. The damage done may be irreversible for many of them.

No matter where the mantra FORWARD is coming from, dark Hollywood dressed in sick pink, academia, or the main stream media, it is a prescription for globalism and destruction of western civilization at the behest of billionaire elites who are in love with freedom-robbing social engineering and the desire to play God.




Thursday, February 16, 2017

Immigrants Should Make America Better, Not Worse

Corey Stewart, PWC Chairman
Wikipedia photo
Prince William County Chairman, Corey Stewart, Republican candidate for Governor of Virginia, said during a press conference, “On behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Prince William County, I’m requesting the Trump administration to identify, detain and remove the 7,500 criminal illegal aliens that we have handed over to ICE over the past 10 years.” According to Stewart, the criminal aliens were handed over by local law enforcement to ICE under a program called 287g. “Of the 7,500, 1,000 have been rearrested.”

A mob of protesters stormed the board meeting on Tuesday, carrying signs in Spanish and English that it did not matter where or how you came from, we are all immigrants and we are all Americans. Speakers who advocate open borders argued that those arrested had not committed a crime and should not have been detained. http://wjla.com/news/local/prince-william-county-residents-speak-out-against-immigration-proposal

The fact that illegal aliens crossed into our country without visas and proper documentation is a crime. The last U.S. Census attributed the large population increase in Prince William County mostly to the illegal alien migration to the county.

Fredy Burgos, a Republican Party activist, posts regularly on Facebook examples of crimes committed daily by illegal aliens in Prince William County. Despite the protesters’ claims that illegals do not commit crimes, reality and police records speak otherwise.

In addition to illegals, counties in Virginia have to deal with the middle of the night surprise of forced resettlement of refugees in small communities that are ill-prepared to handle the influx of uneducated, illiterate, third world individuals who have no skills, do not speak our language, are often unwilling to learn it, do not understand our culture, do not accept it, do not share our religious values, and do not respect nor recognize our Constitution.

Legal immigrants throughout history have made America better by assimilating into one culture, the American culture. Back then there was no welfare state and no welfare generosity and dependency. But today’s immigrants are often here for economic benefits, welfare, and social security thanks to the leftist Open Borders policy. There is no economic boom to struggling communities who are forced to accept such refugees or close their eyes at the massive influx of illegals. In their media-driven narrative, leftists conveniently leave out the cost of welfare use, education of their children, and criminal justice system costs that counties incur in dealing with illegal aliens and refugees.

Looking at just one program, SNAP (food stamps), of the refugees who arrived in 2015, 92.5 percent received food stamps and, of those admitted in 2011, a whopping 60 percent are still receiving SNAP today. Take a trip in northern Virginia to Walmart on the days that SNAP benefits are distributed, and you will see a mass of illegal humanity, speaking languages other than English and wearing burkas and other ethnic costumes. https://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/orr/arc_15_final_508.pdf

Our great-grandfathers had arrived here for the opportunity to make a better life for themselves and their families or future families. They had to go through Ellis Island, weeks of quarantine for infectious diseases, and some were even turned away because we wanted to keep the American public safe. And those immigrants, who cleared Ellis Island, worked very hard, built railroads, ports, tunnels, bridges, dams, roads, parks, highways, interstates, skyscrapers, and entire cities. As my good and patriotic Virginian friend had suggested, there should be “no immigration without verification and assimilation.”

Repealing the Open Borders mentality is essential. Becoming a U.S. citizen is a privilege, not a given right. Immigrants should benefit America in some way by bringing in skills and trades that are helpful in strengthening America. Immigrants must be an asset to our country, not a liability. Nobody should become a burden by drawing from our welfare system and from our social security funds built up by American workers who contributed with every paycheck into these funds. Taking social security funds without contributing to them is theft from the American people.

Given all the violent Islamist attacks on American citizens in the last years, we cannot afford to trust blindly, we must verify immigrants’ ulterior motives. “Can they prove that they are who they say they are? Can they prove that they are not criminal? What is their intent in becoming an American?”

Even though leftists claim that the demand to assimilate is “fascistic,” assimilation is necessary for numerous reasons:

1.       Do the potential immigrants’ world views match the views of our founding documents?

2.       Do potential immigrants intend to become Americans, or are they just drawing financial benefits, taking advantage of our American compassionate nature and generosity?

3.       Will they protect and defend the Constitution and support American independence and sovereignty?

4.       As Dr. Savage says, will they support our “language, borders, and culture?”

5.       Are they interested in subverting America’s power, authority, and institutions with the intent of dividing our great nation?

6.       Do they understand what it takes to be an American?

7.       Do they want to be productive citizens?

We stand with legal immigrants who came before us and with those millions who are still awaiting the disposition of their backlogged files, immigrants who want to come to the United States legally, but live too far away. To now skip them and instead allow law breakers, border jumpers, and fence climbers to become American citizens is a slap in the face of every formerly legal resident alien who became naturalized American citizens after waiting years and years, meandering through legal hoops, learning history and civics, passing citizenship readiness tests, proving that they have what it takes to become an American, a privilege earned, not a right.

America welcomes legal immigrants with open arms and generosity but, if there is ever any doubt, after proper and thorough vetting, then, as my Virginian friend had suggested, “when in doubt, leave them out,” they don’t have what it takes to become an American.


Saturday, February 4, 2017

Is This Our New America?

Golden Eagle with Chopped Wing
Photo: Wikipedia commons
The young woman was shopping on the 75 percent off rack of children’s clothes. Our eyes met and she smiled; in these hard times we must shop wisely to make money stretch further, she said. I remember those years in the mid-twenties, with two babies, a mom to support, and at least three part-time jobs. I never complained, blamed rich people, rioted to burn down other people’s hard work, or demanded that they turn their accumulated wealth over to me. It was a time when law and order mattered. Effort and hard work eventually paid off when I made a huge and lengthy investment in human capital – my education.

Today the only luxury the young woman allowed herself was a first baby’s Christmas ornament for her newborn. One of the only two Caucasian associates in this department store, she earns a living standing eight hours a day, waiting on demanding and often rude customers who hail from two hundred plus different countries. It is always a United Nation’s zoo, a cacophony of nationalities and people who do not have much love for America, they just enjoy its opportunities and the new found Shangri La of better treatment than poor Americans and vets get.

She has to meet impossible sales numbers set by corporate management from another planet who do not care that the economy is bad, the result of eight years of destructive Democrat Marxist activism that weakened the economy and doubled the indebtedness for generations to come. People do not have a lot of disposable income, unemployment is high, and many save money by staying home and ordering online.

Few customers want to fight the crowds and the rude salespeople who are mostly Middle Eastern and treat shoppers with contempt and rudeness just like they did in their own countries. Who wants to be friendly in a country they resent with passion? They are not even nice to the few Americans who have to work with them; they treat them like pariahs and threaten them with bodily harm if they say or do anything that might offend their Muslim sensibilities. They scream racism and bigotry for every little thing to their bosses who always take sides with the Muslims for fear that they might be considered Islamophobes. Shopping in northern Virginia is an unpleasant experience that many try to avoid.

Most of the heavily made-up Middle Eastern associates are uneducated and have no skills, they cannot possibly work anywhere else except sell merchandise in stores. There are some who do wear hijabs and some burkas. It was an interesting experience one day to go to a local computer store and to be met by an IT associate wearing a complete black tent with slits for eyes. To say that it was uncomfortable being helped by this person is an understatement. How can you relax when you cannot really see who you are talking to? I’ve seen some driving on the busy and dangerous roads of northern Virginia. I wondered if their driver’s licenses concealed their identities as well. It was an eerie experience as if I’ve been transported back in time into the seventh century slave bazaars.

I don’t know about you but I like to have a temporary friendly relationship with the person helping me spend money and, if you are rude and I can’t see you, I have to move on to shop somewhere else. But there are not many "someplace elses" left that are different from this experience.

We are fast becoming strangers in our own country, being pushed aside by a theocracy that is alien to our nation. It has not caught up yet in other parts of America but it is moving fast in that direction. If the stunt the Starbucks CEO pulled the other day, saying that he will hire 10,000 refugees from Syria instead of Americans out of work, is any indication of what is to come in the near future, our services work force will be fast replaced by laborers from unskilled nations.

There is a growing workforce in the restaurant business and landscaping, mostly people coming from south of the border, hard and conscientious workers. But they have a large family at home that takes full advantage of the generous welfare benefits in this country. This south of the border workforce has replaced high school and college students who used to work part-time to supplement their income while in school.

Collegiate Americans, lovers of activism, Bolshevism, communism, and ardent Islamophiles seem to have found a niche in the paid-protest and paid-rioters business. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), well-funded by billionaire elites, who know that global communism is best for us, remunerate these masked, black-clad agitators really well. Anti-Americanism, raised to a fever and violent pitch, has become quite lucrative. They seem to be untouched by law and order so the mayhem and destruction continues.

We are told non-stop by the main stream media that these refugees do the jobs Americans don’t want to do. Is that really true? Illegals work for lower wages, often under the table, so their employment depresses wages in general.

In between rioting, looting, burning, and physically beating people who disagree with them, Lefties keep screaming, “that’s not who we are as a nation, we are a nation of immigrants.” Yes, we are a nation of legal immigrants who assimilated into our culture, and we helped build it but we have reached our point of immigration saturation before we turn into the failed multicultural Europe that is being destroyed by the flotsam and jetsam of the welfare dependent third world.

Immigrants refuse to assimilate, we are told by the fanatical “experts” of the left, because it is “fascistic” to expect them to assimilate their “superior” and primitive culture into such an “awfully intolerant” country that took them in and supported them financially without any questions asked.

If liberals were not so “open-minded” that their brains fell out long time ago, they could perhaps answer the logical question, if we are such a racist, bigoted and intolerant place to live, why come here in the first place, why not stay in the country that is so much better than ours?

Spare us the indignity of having to support you and your extended families while you threaten us with lawsuits because we don’t accept Sharia Law over our Constitution. We are rolling out the red carpet for refugees while many of our veterans are sleeping in the streets. Is this our new America?